SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Further Education and Training Certificate: Arts and Culture Administration 
48818  Further Education and Training Certificate: Arts and Culture Administration 
SGB Performing Arts 
CATHSSETA - Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Further Ed and Training Cert  Field 02 - Culture and Arts  Performing Arts 
Undefined  165  Level 4  NQF Level 04  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9999/99  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2026-06-30   2029-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of the learning is that learners acquire a unique combination of project administration competencies, human resource management skills and business enterprise skills, in order that they may successfully administer arts and culture projects. This qualification formalizes sets of competencies and combinations of systems to help to accumulate expertise in this new area of training.

Experiential knowledge is an important aspect of this qualification, as it scopes across different fields. This should also assist in accelerating the learning of people who may have previously been denied opportunities in formal training or employment. If lessons can be learned, documented and applied, a contribution is made to building the discipline of arts and culture project administration, as well as an integrated national framework for learning achievements, which is one of the primary objectives of the NQF. The quality of the education and training is enhanced by the strategic combination of management skills and entrepreneurial attitudes, grounded in the need to augment the potential in the creative industries sector. Arts and culture projects differ widely in content, context, meaning and impact. At this level, learners are not required to develop and/or decide on financial or artistic targets and goals of the projects. As administrators, their level of responsibility is focused within the projects, and they only have jurisdiction over the resources allocated to them.

Qualifying learners are thus capable of:
  • Allocating given resources within projects, in order to achieve defined project objectives
  • Co-ordinating the various activities required to implement projects
  • Monitoring and reviewing the progress of project implementation according to approved systems
  • Taking corrective action where possible to ensure the accomplishment of the projects
  • Recording accurately the projects' processes and outcomes, with appropriate and agreed upon financial and narrative documentation
  • Communicating with a range of people
  • Supervising project teams so that the projects are completed satisfactorily according to the brief
  • Concluding allocated project tasks by motivating team members with a range of interventions including coaching, advising, mentoring and counselling.
  • Devising an implementation strategy for a given marketing plan
  • Contributing to future planning by using knowledge gained and information gathered from project administration experiences

    A broad range of electives offers opportunities for portability across qualifications, and learners could progress to Level 5, which is Arts and Culture Management. Learners could also move into areas of project management specialization, such as community development or training. The possibility to increase competencies in particular arts genres or in the broader field of cultural studies is also available to deepen the learner's technical knowledge of the field. This will provide access to new career paths, and stimulate mobility and progression within the sector.

    Simultaneously, additional technical knowledge or experience of the arts will increase the learner's personal development as he/she has opportunities to express creativity and participate in various cultural forms. Creative work has proved to be one of the most effective ways of increasing self-esteem and promoting self-empowerment. This can only support the positive growth of the learner as an active and fulfilled member of society, and impact positively on the general evolution of the nation at large.


    Arts and Culture education in South Africa has historically focused on the development of techniques and the creation of the various art forms, with little attention being given to the administration.

    Arts and culture include heritage, the performing arts, visual arts and craft, literature, film and video; and projects or activities within these genres would be events, presentations, exhibitions, displays, performances, festivals and training programmes. Arts and culture projects can play a significant economic role in job creation and small business development. The arts also document changes in society in unique ways, and provide important means for people to express their identities and commonalities within a diversity of traditions and ideologies.

    Arts and culture projects must be well run in order to fulfil these potentials. An effective arts industry requires knowledge of contemporary business management and administration practice as well as knowledge of the art/cultural forms, their history and their politics. It is this combination of competencies that would be addressed by this qualification. All stakeholders acknowledge the need for arts organizations to be effectively systematised, in order to raise the status of the profession and maximize funding and marketing opportunities.

    Learners undertaking this qualification would work within cultural or arts institutions in an administrative capacity, or intend to develop small arts/cultural businesses on their own. The qualification would begin to assist in building entrepreneurship skills as well as provide learners with access to further management training on the NQF at level 5. 

    Learning assumed to be in place for this qualification should be the fundamental competencies in the areas of communication, mathematics and life skills as the NQF Level 3 of the Further Education and Training Band. Learners need competencies in the areas of working consistently with systems of organizing, monitoring and overseeing activities and finances. They should have an understanding of how arts and cultural organizations might operate relating directly to economic principles. Learners should also be able to communicate clearly with a range of people, so they could work with both arts creators and arts customers, who will have different needs and perspectives. Learners should have some knowledge of the arts industries - whether it as an amateur performer at any level, or a consumer of their local cultural activities. Although administration principles may be the same in most industries, the arts and culture industry is a unique mix of people and products, often with unusual relationships between the two. Many of the 'products' that are integral to arts projects are the personal expressions of peoples' understandings and/or cultural beliefs. These products may therefore be different in emotional weight from other consumer products, and have a closer, more delicate link to their originators. In addition, arts and cultural products may have various meanings depending on the context - they can be functional, symbolic, decorative, spiritual, educational, critical, or traditional, or a combination of these. Working with these products and their creators therefore demands sensitivity to these particularities, and it is recommended that learners at least have an interest in, and/or some exposure to arts and culture activities, if they intend pursuing a career in the industry via this qualification. Furthermore, learners should have a basic understanding of the key concepts of arts and culture, and the distinction between these. Additional knowledge of, and exposure to, the particular art form or genre within which learners will eventually work as administrators would also be beneficial. At least there should be some initial enthusiasm for the areas described by the sub-fields, which propels the learner towards this subject of study. It is also assumed that learners can already work as project team members (NLRD Id Nr 10135).

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

    This qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning, which includes formal, informal and non-formal learning and workplace experience, in terms of the criteria laid out. Any learner wishing to be directly assessed may arrange to do so, without participating in further training or education. 


    The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.

    To be awarded the Qualification, learners are required to obtain a minimum of 165 credits as detailed below.

    Fundamental Component:

    The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in:
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4 to the value of 16 credits.
  • Communication at NQF Level 4 in a First South African Language to the value of 20 credits.
  • Communication in a Second South African Language at NQF Level 3 to the value of 20 credits.

    It is compulsory therefore for learners to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at NQF Level 4 and the other at NQF Level 3.

    All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component are compulsory.

    Core Component:

    The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 85 credits all of which are compulsory.

    Elective Component:

    The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 96 credits. Learners are to choose Unit Standards to a minimum of 24 credits.

    Learners must do one of the following two Unit Standards:
  • ID 10146: Supervise a project team of a developmental project to deliver project objectives, NQF Level 5, 14 credits.
  • ID 10147: Supervise a project team of a technical project to deliver project objectives, NQF Level 5, 14 credits.

    In addition Unit Standards to the value of at least 10 credits must be chosen from the rest of the electives. 

    Fundamental and Core:

    1. Communicate in a variety of ways.
    2. Use mathematics in practical applications.
    3. Plan Arts and Culture projects from definition to completion.
    4. Improve future project and organisation planning and implementation by using experiential knowledge and information gathered.
    5. Co-ordinate and manage Arts and Culture projects in line with project plans.
    Range: resources, planned objectives, timeline.
    6. Monitor and review project performance and solve identified problems appropriate to contexts.
    7. Evaluate the outcomes of projects and assess and apply lessons leant for future use.
    8. Keep records for projects and small businesses that meet legal requirements, and builds knowledge for future use.
    9. Communicate with stakeholders, networks, and project teams.
    10. Lead and supervise project teams in order to ensure that all phases and cycles of the project are completed according to specifications.
    11. Implement and report on financial strategies for specific business requirements and contexts.
    12. Plan how to implement components of given project marketing plan, in line with given resources and time frames, and execute such plans accordingly.
    13. Develop and set up processes, systems, and resources for effective organisational functioning.


    14. Supervise arts and culture technical OR development project teams
    15. Use computers OR.
    16. Market arts and culture projects OR.
    17. Raw data is recorded OR.
    18. Coordinate events OR.
    19. Any core unit standard for an Arts and Culture discipline-specific qualification OR
    20. Assess community needs and develop advocacy campaigns and workshops in development practice OR
    21. Facilitate learning and/or assessment of others. 

    Fundamental and Core

  • Oral and written communication is sustained in a variety of contexts.
  • Texts are analysed and evaluated in a variety of contexts.
  • Language is used effectively within the performing arts sphere.
  • Creative and functional aspects of language are utilised.
  • Conflict resolution techniques employed are appropriate for specific contexts.

  • Financial aspects of personal, business, and national issues are investigated using accepted financial principles.
  • Findings on life-related problems are logical and based on statistics and probabilities.
  • Physical quantities of materials are accurately measured, estimated and calculated.
  • Geometrical relationships in two and three-dimensional space are correctly applied in administering arts and culture projects.

  • Project plans are achievable in terms of resources available.
  • Project plans are achievable in terms of resources required.
  • Projects plans reflect/correlate with goals and objectives.
  • Hazards identified are relevant to the context.
  • Provision for the impact and extent of hazards occurring is realistic given resources, and is in line with operational procedures.

  • Evaluation of previous project planning is observable in current project planning.
  • Information gathered regarding previous projects is accurate.
    Range: Information gathered can include experiential knowledge.

  • Resources are logically deployed.
  • Administrative systems put in place are appropriate and agreed.
  • Recording of completion of tasks and project phases is accurate and regular.
  • Monitoring and amendment of team and individual work schedules are in line with agreed timelines.
  • Communication to team members and stakeholders about changes to project schedules, timelines and resources available is regular.
  • Checking of team and individual work tasks against planned objectives is regular.
  • Amendment of team and individual work tasks is appropriate.
  • Project performance monitoring and review is continuous.
  • Evaluation of previous project planning is observable in project implementation.
  • Information gathered during project implementation is accurate.

  • Evaluation criteria relate directly to project outcomes planned.
  • Results/conclusions are consistent with observable information/data.

  • Recommendations for future improvements are feasible.
    Range: Recommendations should focus on logistic or operational issues.

  • Legal requirements identified for record keeping are contextually relevant.
  • Legal requirements are met.
    Range: Legal requirements include those regarding record keeping types, content of records, capturing of information, storage of information, retrieval of information, and access to records.
  • Record keeping systems and processes selected are contextually relevant (fit-for-purpose).
  • Record keeping systems and processes selected are feasible given available resources.
  • Types of records kept are contextually relevant.
  • Content of records kept is comprehensive for specific contexts and purposes.
  • Capturing, storage and retrieval of information follows an agreed, described procedure.
  • Capturing of information is accurate.
  • Records kept are accessible to all relevant individuals and/or groups.

  • Stakeholders identified are contextually relevant.
  • Networks identified are contextually relevant.
  • Communication content, methods, techniques and tools selected are appropriate for specific contexts.
  • Communication content, methods, techniques and tools selected are appropriate for specific target groups.
  • Styles of communication selected are in line with agreed context-specific conventions.
  • Communication purpose and content, methods, techniques and tools selected correlate.

  • Goals and objectives given to team members are clear.
  • Resources allocated to team members for all phases of projects are adequate.
  • All phases of the project have been completed according to the given criteria.

  • Financial data gathered to plan actions in line with project objectives are relevant for a specified context.
  • Income and expenditures applied to implement Arts and Culture projects are in line with agreed procedures.
  • Financial transactions recorded and filed are in line with agreed procedures.
  • Income and expenditures are reconciled in line with agreed upon financial plans.
  • Financial reporting is accurate and consistent with observable information.

  • Components of the marketing plan are translated into feasible actions.
  • Actions of the marketing plan are co-ordinated and planned within given resources and time frames.
  • The implementation of the marketing plan components are achievable in terms of the resources available.
  • Execution of the planned actions takes place.
  • Given reviewing systems are in place to monitor the progress of the action plan.

  • Definitions of effective organisational functioning are contextually relevant.
  • Organisational processes developed and selected are workable in given contexts.
  • Organisational systems developed and selected are workable in given contexts.
  • Resource requirements are identified accurately for given contexts.
  • Resources selected meet the requirements of given contexts.
  • Organisational processes, systems and resources can sustain effective organisational functioning.


  • Project objectives are delivered.

  • Word processing documents produced for business meet specified requirements.
  • Presentation documents produced for business meet specified requirements.
  • Database use for business purposes meet specified requirements.
  • Spreadsheets produced for business meet specified requirements.

  • Identification and utilisation of marketing resources meet objectives.
  • Description of personal marketing culture meets specified requirements.
  • Marketing performance standards are met.

  • Conducting interviews and de-briefing according to requirements.
  • Submitting correct questionnaires.
  • Transcribing qualitative information.

  • Events are planned, implemented, controlled and evaluated in line with stakeholder requirements.
  • Presenting a performance that engages the audience using appropriate elements of performance craft and physical technique.

  • Audience requirements are taken into account.
  • Elements and techniques used are appropriate for specific contexts.
  • Text, contexts, methodologies and approaches are appropriate for specific contexts.
  • Critical reflection on and evaluation of own performance uses all embedded knowledge.
  • Constructive criticism is accepted, and knowledge of group dynamics and communication techniques are used within the specific context.
  • Effective presentation skills displayed includes the use of technologies and context-specific conventions.
  • Techniques and terminology used are varied.
  • Appropriate conventions are applied to respond to the specific context.

  • Community needs assessments meet specified requirements.
  • Advocacy campaigns and workshops in development practice meet specified requirements.

  • Facilitation of the preparation and presentation of evidence for assessment meets the requirements, principles and purpose of specific assessments.
  • Learners with special needs are correctly identified.
  • Support for learners with special needs are appropriate to the needs of the learners.
  • Learning processes are accurately identified and correctly described.

    Integrated assessment:

    Integrated assessment at the level of qualification provides an opportunity for learners to show that they are able to integrate concepts, ideas and actions across unit standards to achieve competence that is grounded and coherent in relation to the purpose and exit level outcomes of the qualification. Integrated assessment should show how already demonstrated competence in individual areas can be linked and applied for the achievement of a holistic outcome.

    Integrated assessment must judge the quality of the observable performance, and also the quality of thinking that lies behind it. Assessment tools must encourage learners to explain the thinking and decision-making that underpin their demonstrated performance.

    The assessment criteria in the unit standards are performance-based (applied competence as opposed to required knowledge only). This means that workplace experience may be recognised when awarding credits towards this qualification. A broad range of task-orientated and theoretical assessment tools may be used, with the distinction between practical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge maintained so that each takes its rightful place. Unit standards in the qualification must be used to assess specific and critical cross-field outcomes. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and should assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflexive competencies. While the foundational component (literacy, communication and numeracy skills) of this qualification on NQF level 2 can be assessed through occupational contexts and activities relating to, for example, craft production, care must be taken in both the learning programme and the assessment to ensure that these foundational skills are truly portable. The primary aim of this qualification is to ensure that learners have a sound base of general education to prepare them for further learning, whatever career path they may choose. 

    Internationally, most Arts and Culture Administration and Management qualifications are at graduate or postgraduate level. Various qualifications are available, including certificates, diplomas, degrees, honours degrees, Masters Degrees and Doctorate degrees, all at Higher Education level. Most international programs include what is referred to as internships (work-based learning).

    In the United Kingdom, for example, a 52 credit (South African equivalence) one-year Certificate, or a two-year Diploma in Arts Management are available. These qualifications address the following areas of competence: policy and planning, or administration and management, with electives in marketing communications, artistic production, arts in community settings, and internships.

    The courses offered in Canada and the USA range between 15 and 50 credits, addressing management of the Arts, marketing, accounting, and an internship. Electives include art history, business, computer science, communications, drama, film/media studies, philosophy, sociology, fundraising, public relations, etc. Specific emphasis is placed on community arts leaders, and the courses include planning, board development, fundraising, marketing and arts programming.

    New Zealand has a National Certificate in Performing Arts Management at Level 4 (that is, Level 3 on the South African NQF), including a large knowledge component, and event management (4 credits) and production (20 credits) competence. In Australia, Arts management forms part of media and communication, and is also delivered through distance education. In Asia, the focus is on business administration, for example, an MBA is suggested for non-profit organisation employees. 

    This qualification articulates vertically to the National Certificate in Arts and Culture Management at NQF level 5. This qualification also provides articulation with a range of qualifications in the art, craft and design areas; and through fundamentals of other NQF level 2 and 3 qualifications. 

  • Anyone assessing a learner against these standards must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of these unit standards or will assess these unit standards must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA accredited.
  • Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedures.
  • Assessors registered with the relevant ETQA must carry out the assessment of learners for any of the unit standards that make up this qualification. The assessor must have contextual competence in the form of a certificate, qualification or experience related to the unit standards in which assessments are conducted. 

    Notes to assessors:

    Assessors should keep the following general principles in mind when designing and conducting assessment:
  • Focus the initial assessment activities on gathering evidence in terms of the main outcomes expressed in the titles of the unit standards to ensure assessment is integrated rather than fragmented. The aim is to declare the person competent in term if the qualification purpose. Where assessment at across titles or at title level is unmanageable, then focus assessment around each specific outcome, or groups of specific outcomes. Take special note of the need for integrated assessment.
  • Make sure evidence is gathered across the entire range, wherever it applies. Assessment activities should be as close to the real performance as possible, and where simulations or role-plays are used, there should be supporting evidence to show that learner is able to perform in the real situation.
  • All assessments should be conducted in line with the following well documented principles of assessment: appropriateness, fairness, manageability, integration into work or learning, validity, direct, authentic, sufficient, systematic, open and consistent as defined below:

    Principles of assessment:
  • Appropriate: The method of assessment is suited to the performance being assessed.
  • Fair: The method of assessment does not present any barriers to achievements, which are not related to the evidence.
  • Manageable: The methods used make for easily arranged cost-effective assessments that do not unduly interfere with learning.
  • Integration into work or learning: Evidence collection is integrated into work or learning process where this is appropriate and feasible.
  • Valid: The assessment focuses on the requirements laid down in the Standard; i.e. the assessment is fit for purpose.
  • Direct: The activities in the assessment mirror the conditions of actual performance as closely as possible.
  • Authentic: The assessor is satisfied that the work being assessed is attributable to the person being assessed.
  • Sufficient: The evidence collected establishes that all criteria have been met and that performance to the required Standard can be repeated consistently.
  • Systematic: Planning and recording is sufficiently rigorous to ensure that assessment is fair.
  • Open: Learners can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence. Assessment learners understand the assessment process and the criteria that apply.
  • Consistent: The same assessor would make the same judgement again in similar circumstances. The judgement made is similar to the judgement that would be made by other assessors. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    Access to the qualification

    There are no restrictions to access for this qualification, but it is advised that learners should already have attained at least some of the competencies noted under assumptions of learning already in place, before embarking on the learning for this qualification. The qualification could be entered through RPL. 

    Core  10137  Conduct project documentation management to support project processes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  13835  Contribute to project initiation, scope definition and scope change control  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10141  Contribute to the management of project risk within own field of expertise  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10142  Fulfill procurement activities and supervise procurement administration  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10144  Identify, suggest and implement corrective actions to improve quality  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10040  Implement marketing activity plans to meet agreed deadlines  Level 4  NQF Level 04  14 
    Core  10139  Implement project administration processes according to requirements  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10143  Monitor, evaluate and communicate project schedules  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10134  Participate in the estimation and preparation of cost budgets for an element of work and monitor and control actual cost against budget  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  10133  Schedule project activities to facilitate effective project execution  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  14214  Evaluate and improve the project team`s performance  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  115171  Generate resources for projects  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Fundamental  8968  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8969  Interpret and use information from texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8973  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  8970  Write texts for a range of communicative contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9015  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8974  Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8975  Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  9016  Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8979  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8976  Write for a wide range of contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  7576  Demonstrate the ability to use a database for business purposes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  7567  Produce and use spreadsheets for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  7575  Produce presentation documents for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  7570  Produce word processing documents for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  110053  Conduct a basic community needs assessment  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  110056  Conduct advocacy campaigns and workshops in development practice  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  12544  Facilitate the preparation and presentation of evidence for assessment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13672  Identify and describe learning processes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13674  Identify and support learners with special needs  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10013  Identify and utilise marketing resources to meet objectives  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10021  Instil in myself a personal marketing culture  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10012  Meet marketing performance standards  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10030  Record raw data  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13482  Co-ordinate an event  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  12 
    Elective  10146  Supervise a project team of a developmental project to deliver project objectives  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  14 
    Elective  10147  Supervise a project team of a technical project to deliver project objectives  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  14 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Palm Springs Consultants cc 
    2. Puo Media 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.