SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Diploma: Plant Production 
49010  National Diploma: Plant Production 
SGB Primary Agriculture 
AgriSETA - Agriculture SETA  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Diploma  Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation  Primary Agriculture 
Undefined  240  Level 5  NQF Level 05  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9999/99  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2026-06-30   2030-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The purpose of this qualification is to allow Junior Farm Managers to progress towards a Farm Manager position with specific reference to Plant Production. The contexualised purpose and usage of the qualification is as follows:
  • A learner assessed against this qualification will have the necessary competence to monitor, implement, co-ordinate, plan, control and provide leadership regarding the agricultural processes as applicable to Plant production in a variety of Plant Production processes taking responsibility for the nature, quality and quantity of outputs.
  • The Learner will be able to take complete responsibility for her/his own actions and also take responsibility for the achievements of groups within a Plant Production context.
  • Competency will be gained in any of the specialized sub-fields of Plant Production as specified under Areas Of Specialization (i.e. Vegetables, Fruit Production, Hydroponics, etc.) with a strong focus on management.
  • The learner will be able to take responsible decisions within a wide range of familiar and un-familiar contexts based on a sound understanding of the basic principles of agri-business and good agricultural practices, in meeting the set objectives and targets within the broader farm plan which includes the economical application of general resources, agricultural production and technical knowledge and skills, all in an Plant Production context.
  • The Learner will be able to select from a wide range of standard and non-standard procedures in Plant Production and will be able to ensure the relevant safety, quality, hygiene and technical standards as applicable within the industry.
  • In addition to the above, the learner will be well positioned to extend learning and practice into other sub-fields such as Plant Production and Mixed Farming, since such efforts will only require additional learning within the elective scope of other qualifications at this level.
  • The learner will be well positioned to progress towards higher levels of Management and Technical production practices as defined by qualifications at the next level.
  • Learners will be enabled to actively participate in the Primary Agricultural Sector through the production of quality agricultural products, enhancing the overall agricultural process and gain opportunities to access local, national and international agricultural markets.
  • This qualification will allow qualifying learners to become economically active in farming practices that will have a direct impact on Local Economic Development through the production of food, the improvement of household food security and access to mainstream agriculture.
  • Finally, Learners will be able to guide and direct project teams in terms of the planning, implementation and control of development projects within a Plant Production context.


    The range of typical learners that will enter this qualification will vary and includes:
  • Junior farm managers who wish to progress to the level of farm manager;
  • Learners in possession of different levels of practical experience in farming operations, which will be assessed and RPL'ed;
  • School leavers (Grade 12); and
  • Learners may come from both genders.

    The learner will engage in farm management and operational activities relevant to Plant Production.

    Requests and expressions of need for this qualification, coming from the broad, but also specific farming communities (Plant Production) forms the basis for the development of this qualification.

    This qualification will form the basis for learners to extend their learning into more specialised areas of plant production and management and provides the basis of the establishment of sustainable farming operations through the inclusion of a wide spectrum of competencies required by farmers in South Africa. Whilst technical production orientated competencies are ensured, other aspects such as agri-business and good agricultural practices are included in the range of competencies required by farmers in order to enable them to strive towards agricultural management standards and practices at higher levels.

    Competent qualifying learners in this qualification will oversee quality agricultural products in Plant Production whereby enhancing the overall agricultural process and gain opportunities to access local, national and international agricultural markets. 

    It is assumed that a learner entering a programme leading to this qualification has achieved numeracy, literacy and communication equivalent to NQF 4 and technical skills pertaining to agricultural activities equivalent to NQF 4.

    Recognition of prior learning:

    This qualification may be achieved in part or in whole through the recognition of prior learning. Credit will be given to learning, which has already been acquired, through the appropriate process of assessment.

    For example:
  • Learners who have acquired skills and competencies in this qualification through for instance experience in the industry will be assessed against the unit standards the qualification comprises of prior to entering learning. Credits will be allocated to those unit standards and exit level outcomes in which the learner is found competent. The outstanding unit standards will then be sequenced according to an appropriate learning programme.
  • Should a new entrant into the industry wish to enter this learning programme, recognition will be given to al appropriate learning acquired through the schooling system.
  • In terms of fundamental unit standards, competencies could be acquired through life experience.

    Any learner wishing to be directly assessed may arrange to do so, without attending further training or education. The assessor and learner will decide together on the most appropriate assessment route to take. 


  • A minimum of 48 credits should be achieved in fundamental.

  • 155 credits should be achieved in core.

  • A minimum of 37 credits should be achieved in Elective, depending on the context of application of the unit standards. 

    Exit Level Outcomes are divided into four categories of competencies, namely:
  • Fundamental Competencies
  • Agri-business
  • Good Agricultural Practices
  • Plant Production

    Fundamental Competencies:

    1. Apply communication skills in an agricultural environment.
    2. Apply mathematical calculations within the agricultural environment.
    3. Develop a data collection plan in the agricultural sector.
    4. Integrate sustainable systems thinking into planning and management processes.


    5. Control an agricultural input chain.
    6. Develop a strategic plan for agri-processing activities.
    7. Describe the integration of the marketing component as a part of the total agri-business
    8. Analyse and interpret financial information in an agri-business
    9. Demonstrate the ability to optimise and integrate farming systems.

    Agricultural Practices:

    10. Ensure sound utilisation of agricultural resources.
    11. Describe the process of optimisation of water quality in an agricultural production system.
    12. Develop, implement and optimise a management system for food safety and quality practices in an agricultural supply chain.
    13. Incorporate an understanding of the importance of natural resource management in relation to agricultural practices into the design of a natural resource management plan of the farm in relation to area wide planning and when participating in area wide planning and local government structures and policies.
    14. Assist in determining the most appropriate and sustainable land-use for different parts of the land, supervise the implementation and maintenance of the selected infrastructure and maintain the most appropriate land-use on a farm by continuously assessing the natural resource base.

    Plant Production:

    15. Describe the basic biochemistry involved in the physiological processes of a plant.
    16. Develop a soil fertility and plant nutrition plan.
    17. Plants are propagated in any production system.
    18. Implement and co-ordinate different harvesting plans
    19. Identify, monitor and control pests, monitor beneficiall arthropods, plant disease symptoms and weeds in a responsible manner by applying Integrated Pest Management Principles to conserve the environment.
    20. Develop a plant manipulation management plan and manage its implementation to maximise growth and yield. 

    Fundamental Competencies:

  • Simple presentations are made.
  • Situations, reasons, implications, concepts, underlying principles, and check for understanding and adjust message are explained.
  • Conditions, situations and events, using data are reported on.
  • Work instructions are given.
  • Events, situations and conditions are summarised over time.

  • Data is represented in graph and table form.
  • Trends are plotted.
  • Percentages from collected data (statistical calculations) are determined.
  • Measurements are accurately.
  • Calculations per area performed.
  • Financial implications of personal and business related issues are investigated and monitored.
  • Ratios are determined according to prescribed parameters e.g. mixtures, crops.

  • Appropriate experimental designs are selected for a specific purpose.
  • The implementation of data collection plans is described.
  • Data collection reports are interpreted and recommendations are made.
  • Guidance is provided to data gathering team.

  • A whole farming system is developed.
  • Methods of systems thinking are applied in the design of soil, plant and animal management.
  • The sustainability of whole farming systems is monitored and re-evaluated.


  • Planning of a flow chain is described.
  • A plan on the flow of agricultural inputs is prepared and implemented.
  • Aspects of HR management related to the flow chain are described.

  • Market trends are analysed.
  • Trends in technology are analyses.
  • A production plan is developed.

  • Variables and critical success factors are determined for agri-business.
  • Market opportunities are identified and analysed.
  • Marketing strategies are developed.
  • The marketing function as part of the business plan is explained.

  • The use of physical and financial information to compile financial statements is demonstrated.
  • The analysis of financial statements and physical records is demonstrated.
  • A comparison of financial and economic data to obtain managerial information is demonstrated.

  • The integration and optimisation of natural resources are explained.
  • The optimisation of infrastructure is explained.
  • The optimisation and maintenance of livestock is explained.
  • A harvesting system is developed.
  • Post harvest systems are developed.

    Agricultural Practices:

  • The modification of agricultural equipment is explained.
  • The determination of specifications of equipment is explained.
  • A maintenance and storage plan is developed.
  • Safety policies are explained.
  • The development of task related technology in the agricultural environment is explained.
  • A replacement policy is developed.

  • The characteristics of an optimised water system are described.
  • Solutions are provided to water quality problems.
  • The calibration and utilisation of water quality monitoring equipment is demonstrated.
  • The management of infrastructure related to water quality is explained.

  • Implement and manage a food safety and quality management system in respect of food safety, production, environmental and social practices in the agricultural environment which meets market requirements in the agricultural supply chain.
  • Evaluate, take corrective action and make improvements to ensure the effectiveness/efficiency of the food safety and quality management system with regard to good agricultural practices (GAP) good manufacturing practices (GMP), good health practices (GHP), good social practices (GSP) and good environmental practices (GEP), whichever is applicable to the workplace.
  • A traceability system for operational efficiency in the agricultural supply chain is designed.

  • Integrated natural resource management practices and plans to combat environmental degradation and deterioration are designed.
  • Innovative natural resource management practices to ensure the sustainability of an agricultural endeavour are introduced.
  • A natural resource management strategic plan for a farm is developed.
  • Company/farm policy on natural resource management is determined.
  • Assist in the development of area wide planning and local government structures and policies.

  • Information relevant to the natural resources of a site is researched.
  • Appropriate technology to determine sustainable farm layout and infrastructure placement is identified and used.
  • Principles of sustainability in terms of the layout and infrastructure placement in an agricultural context are applied.
  • High and low potential yield areas according to a range of land use options are identified.

    Plant Production:

  • The role of carbon compounds and ground rules of plant metabolism is explained.
  • The movement of solutes and water in a plant is explained.
  • The pathways of photosynthesis are explained.
  • Respiration pathways are described.
  • The role of hormones during plant growh is described.
  • The responses of plants to the environment are explained.

  • Soil and leaf analysis is interpreted and explained.
  • A soil utilisation plan is developed.
  • The development of a soil database is explained.
  • A soil systems management strategy is described.

  • The appropriate propagation environments for a variety of plants are described.
  • The application of basic tissue culture is explained.
  • Different propagation processes is explained.
  • Problems related to propagation are described.

  • The implementation of alternative and new harvesting tools and equipment is described.
  • The maturity indexing process is described.
  • The co-ordination of the harvesting of different crops is described.
  • Health, hygiene and safety procedures is explained.
  • The co-ordination of waste disposal is explained.

  • Common insects, disease symptoms and weeds or know where to have those that are not common are recognized and identified.
  • An understanding of the basic principles of integrated pest management with basic control measures as per agricultural enterprise, is demonstrated.
  • Recognize and identify pests and beneficials on specific crops (all crops), count and monitor pest population levels over time, as well as the occurrence of beneficials over time, and determine when the threshold is reached.
  • Formulate a decision, suitable control method wit reference to product information, make recommendations for application, selection of alternative compounds within a resistance management strategy with notice of occurring weather patterns, water quality, soil composition, adjuvents and/or other chemical or product requirements.

  • Plant manipulation needs are incorporated into a plant manipulation management plan.
  • Framework development principles are incorporated into a plant manipulation management plan.
  • Flower and fruit manipulation practices are evaluated and optimized.
  • The implementation of the pruning principles as vegetative plant manipulation methods appropriate to the crop are planned.

    NOTE: Assessment should be specific to the area of operation (i.e. Either horticulture or agronomy including but not limited to arable and/or dry land production).

    Integrated Assessment:

    Integrated assessment at the level of the qualification provides an opportunity for learners to show that they are able to integrate concepts, ideas and actions across unit standards to achieve competence that is relevant and coherent in relation to the purpose of the qualification.

    Integrated assessment must judge the quality of the observable performance, but also the quality of the thinking that lies behind it. Assessment tools must encourage learners to give an account of the thinking and decision-making that underpin their demonstrated performance. Some assessment practices will be of a more practical nature while others will be of a more theoretical nature. The ratio between action and interpretation is not fixed, but varies according to the type and level of qualification.

    A broad range of task-orientated and theoretical assessment tools may be used, with the distinction between practical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge maintained so that each takes its rightful place.

    Generic nature of the unit standards and the context of assessment:

    Because of the diverse nature of the primary agricultural sector, a generic approach to developing the unit standards has been adopted. This resulted in generic unit standards which should be contextualised within a specific area of operation, a specific agricultural commodity or specific agricultural system. Assessment therefore, should not be divorced from the context of application. All assessment tools, such as guides as well as the interpretation of unit standards and specifically range statements, should be contextualised within a specific agricultural commodity and/or system. 

    In the case of the primary agriculture context it is difficult to compare the qualification and unit standards against similar international qualifications due to the vast differences in levels of mechanization and literacy of farm operators. It should also be noted that climatic and market conditions differ considerably between South Africa and other countries and the variety in commodities is therefore significant.

    This qualification and associated unit standards have been evaluated against comparable qualifications and unit standards of the following Qualifications Authorities:
  • Australian AQF
  • New Zealand NQF, and
  • British NVQ's.

    During this comparison the following was found:

    Australian AQF: This qualification is comparable to an AQF Diploma in Agriculture (General cross-sector qualification) in a plant production context. Packaging of the AQF qualification reflects the need for sector specific content of a qualification to remain flexible, a quality that has also been captured in this qualification. The AQF qualification requires the inclusion of Units of Competency, similar to the unit standards reflected in the South African qualification. It should however be noted that the qualification of the AQF contains considerably more Elective type Units of Competency since these units have been developed for specific sub-fields. In the case of this qualification a more generic approach have been followed, allowing contexualisation of fewer unit standards across a wide range of sub-fields. It could be concluded that there are numerous similarities between the Units of Competency and the Unit Standards reflected in the SA qualification covering similar sub-fields.

    New Zealand NQF: This qualification is partly comparable to a NZNQF National Diploma in Agribusiness Management (Level 5) in a plant production context as well as with a National Diploma in Horticulture (Level 6). It should be noted that the NZQF qualification has been developed for a specific sub-field of specialization whilst a more generic approach is taken in this qualification allowing for contexualisation of the qualification across a wider range of sub-fields. In the NZQF qualification focus is given to local conditions, practices and approaches to agriculture whilst this qualification focuses on agriculture within a South African context.

    British NVQ: This qualification is comparable with the BTEC National Award/Diploma in Agriculture courses.

    Furthermore, input to the development of this qualification has been compared against international standards and qualifications and is evidenced in the following:
  • Qualifications and competency units as defined by the New South Wales Department of Education and Training.
  • The wide and narrow consultative process as well as the contributions made by role players from Universities and Technicons whom have a specific requirement for internationally comparable qualifications. 

    A learner will be able to progress horizontally from one category to another, namely small stock, large stock or pig production, etc. (Please refer to the list mentioned under "Areas of Specialisation") He/she will be able to do this without re-doing the whole qualification, but by only completing the necessary elective unit standards.

    Furthermore, the learner will be able to progress horizontally to the following qualifications:
  • National Certificate in Animal Production, NQF 5.

    This qualification allows access to the agricultural sector (refer to the SGB's brief and matrix) and gives access to the relevant agricultural qualification at NQF 6.

    In terms of competencies, the learner will progress from farming operation skills to basic managerial skills to managerial skills. The scope of practice will also increase.

    The learner will be able to articulate with other occupations within the agricultural pharmaceutical operations such as laboratory assistant, assistance in the marketing and selling of agricultural pharmaceutical products and fertilisers. The learner will also be able to move to the secondary agricultural field. 

  • Anyone assessing a learner against this qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this qualification, or assessment against this qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
  • Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to agreed ETQA procedures.

    Therefore anyone wishing to be assessed against this qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution which is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    Assessors need:
  • A minimum of 2 (two) years' practical experience in agricultural plant production practices relevant to an area of specialisation mentioned below;
  • Practical experience in the specific agricultural commodity (which might include the list of "Areas of Specialisation" mentioned below or a specific commodity such as deciduous fruit, agronomic crop, sugar cane, vegetables, etc.) and/or system such as permaculture, organic production, hydroponic, etc.
  • Technical competence in agricultural plant production practices at, at least one NQF level above the assessee. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. Areas of specialisation of the qualification in Plant Production include but are not limited to:
  • Organic production,
  • Hydroponic production,
  • Perma-culture production,
  • Agronomy,
  • Horticulture,
  • Natural resources harvesting. 

    Core  116428  Analyse and interpret the financial statements and physical records in an agri-business to generate managerial information  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  11 
    Core  116429  Apply integrated pest management principles  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  116431  Describe biological processes in plant physiology  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116425  Design a natural resource management plan  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116426  Develop a production and strategic plan for the agricultural business  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  11 
    Core  116427  Develop a propagation plan for any agricultural production system  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116419  Develop and implement a food safety and quality management system in an agricultural supply chain  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116409  Develop and implement plant manipulation methods  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116414  Develop suitable irrigation systems  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  116394  Implement and manage human resource and labour relations policies and acts  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  10050  Integrate marketing plans with business process  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116382  Manage an input chain  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116384  Manage and control resources in a sustainable manner  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116371  Manage soil systems  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  116373  Manage the harvesting process of agricultural crops  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  116337  Optimise and integrate various farming systems and trends within related enterprises  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  11 
    Core  116369  Optimise water quality  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  116324  Plan a farm and select a site  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Fundamental  8974  Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  12417  Measure, estimate & calculate physical quantities & explore, critique & prove geometrical relationships in 2 and 3 dimensional space in the life and workplace of adult with increasing responsibilities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8975  Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7466  Represent and operate on complex numbers in non-trivial situations  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7483  Solve problems involving sequences and series in real and simulated situations  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8979  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7470  Work with a wide range of patterns and inverses of functions and solve related problems  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  8976  Write for a wide range of contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  116412  Develop and manage a data collection plan to support an agricultural enterprise  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Fundamental  116387  Integrate sustainable systems into planning and management processes  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  116398  Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based word processor to create and edit documents  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  116405  Develop, implement and manage a permaculture site design  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Elective  116383  Manage a hydroponic production unit  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Elective  116328  The effective and responsible arial application of agrochemical products  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  14 
    Elective  116327  The optimisation of agri / ecotourism strenghts and opportunities and negation of threats and weaknesses  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  116400  Effective and responsible advice, recommendation and sale of agrochemical products  Level 6  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L6  12 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. A.R.L.L Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    2. ACS Academy Pty Ltd 
    3. Adonai Capital and Farming 
    4. Afgri Operations (Pty) Ltd 
    5. Africa Institute for Innovation (Pty) Ltd 
    7. African Global Skills Academy 
    8. Afrika Leadership Development Institute 
    9. Agri Skills Academy Pty Ltd 
    10. Agri Skills Transfer (PTY) Ltd 
    11. Agri Success (Pty) Ltd 
    12. Agriesy Trading cc 
    13. Agriventions Consulting 
    14. Amasiko Trading Enterprise 
    15. Anicrop Training 
    16. Asolwandle Services Pty Ltd 
    17. Asqhakaze (Pty) Ltd 
    18. Badishi Training and Consultants 
    19. Bafikile Skills and Consulting Services 
    20. Bahwaduba Kgatleng Agricultural Training Centre 
    21. Bam Edible Pty Ltd 
    22. Best Thought Trading and Projects 371 
    23. Bintjus Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    24. Black African Young Farmers NPO 
    25. Bogelang Trading Enterprise Cc 
    26. Bokgoni Computer Training Centre (PTY)LTD 
    27. Brace Naveg Jv 
    29. Brightspark Academy 
    30. Buhlebetfu Investments Pty Ltd 
    31. Buni Advocacy and Training Services Pty Ltd 
    32. Career Builders Academy Pty Ltd 
    33. Corporate Skills Development Services 
    34. Davhana Training and Development (Pty)Ltd 
    35. Dee's Training (Pty) Ltd 
    36. Deltatrax Projects Pty Ltd 
    37. Deneyo's Trading Enterprise 
    38. Design Reimagined (Pty) Ltd 
    39. Dicla Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    40. Dzunde Farming Co-operative Limited 
    41. Ecowise Landscape 
    42. Elgin Community College 
    43. Elimu Afrika Enterprise Pty Ltd 
    44. Esethu Mangena Pty Ltd 
    45. Eskilz College (Pty) Ltd 
    46. EWCC Incorporating Skills Development 
    47. Exacube Training Institute 
    48. Exodus Agri Academy Pty Ltd 
    49. Eza Mahlubi Trading 
    50. Faithworks Development Consultants ( Pty) Ltd 
    51. Farmgro TP 
    52. FAS Agro Agricultural and Vocational College NPC 
    53. Food Security Program NPC 
    54. Foundation of Hope Holdings Pty Ltd 
    55. Funzani Training Consultants 
    56. Ga Lechuti Transformational Talks (Pty) Ltd 
    57. Gare Kgare Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    58. Gateway City College 
    59. Giliana College of Agriculture and Management 
    60. Godloti (Pty) Ltd 
    61. Grace Agric Farming 
    62. Green Identity (Pty) Ltd 
    63. Greenoxe (Pty) Ltd 
    64. Growth Path Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    65. Henley Dam Development Pty Ltd 
    66. Hlaniki Investment Holdings 
    67. Hortisoil Pty ltd 
    68. Hot To Go Training College and Services 
    69. House of Elegance Trading 
    70. HWM Consultancy (Pty) Ltd 
    72. Ikhaya Lokukhusela NPC 
    73. Ilanga Skills and Management Development CC 
    74. Impact Plus Training Consultants 
    75. Infinite Skills Academy 
    76. Ingcali Agricultural Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    77. Injula Farmers and Projects 
    78. Inland College 
    79. Institute For Cooperative and Community Economic Development 
    80. International Agricultural Academy for africa 
    81. Joypat farming and Projects 
    82. Judy and Newie Projects 
    83. Just Goodwill 1921 Organization NPO 
    84. Katlo Logistix (Pty) Ltd 
    85. Keneuoe Lucky Agri Training (Pty) Ltd 
    86. Khanimambo Innovative Solutions Cc 
    87. Khathula Skills Institute Pty Ltd 
    88. Khonadzeaho Training Centre 
    89. Kings Way Garden Services Pty Ltd 
    90. KK Nzori (Pty) Ltd 
    91. Klear Living (Pty) Ltd 
    92. Knowledge For Ever 
    93. Kompliancelady 
    94. Koue Bokkeveld Training Centre 
    95. L H R Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    96. Lablab Agri Professionals 
    97. LAND BANK 
    98. Langalezulu (Pty) Ltd 
    99. Laumel Business Solution 
    100. Lemang Agricultural Services Pty Ltd 
    102. Level V Skills 
    103. LFP AGRI (PTY) LTD 
    104. Lina and Arenes Catering 
    105. Lusa Agric Supplies Pty Ltd 
    106. Maab Training Management ( Pty) Ltd 
    107. Magswe Projects Pty Ltd 
    108. Majoka Trading and Construction 
    109. Maliatezwilu General Trading 
    110. Malizana Projects CC 
    111. Malwande Business Schl 
    112. Masikila Training Solution (Pty) LTd 
    113. Mathel Holdings 
    114. Matluka Services (Pty) Ltd 
    115. Matojeni Farmers Trading and Projects 
    116. Matotomana Training & General Trading 
    117. Maurice Training and Projects Pty Ltd 
    118. Mcgine Development Group (Pty) Ltd 
    119. Meals on Wheels Community Services - South Africa 
    120. Medical And Community Chaplaincy 
    121. Mhlonhlorhi Consultants (Pty) Ltd 
    122. Middle Sky Trading 41 Pty Ltd 
    123. Mile learning 
    124. Mloslo Farming and Landscaping pty ltd 
    125. MMC Agents Pty Ltd 
    126. Modirisiwa Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    127. Mokhwa Trading and Project Pty Ltd 
    128. Monageng Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    129. Morero Agricultural Academy 
    130. Mortarboard Training Solutions 
    131. Moshia Holdings Pty Ltd 
    132. Moshita Family Agric Primary Co-Operative Limited 
    133. Mostgate Investment (Pty) Ltd 
    134. Motheo FET College - Central Office 
    135. Motsiri Training Pty Ltd 
    136. Mpenhle Protection and Projects 
    137. Mphekgwane Business Development 
    138. Mpofu Training Centre 
    139. Mthashana FET College - Vryheid Campus 
    140. Mthombo Agri-Business Institute 
    141. Mulivhuwa Holdings 
    142. Muselwa Trading and Projects 
    143. Mutshabi Education and Skills Development 
    144. MV and LM Center Pty Ltd 
    145. Mvelo Consultant 
    146. Mzanzi Training Institute 
    147. Nandzu Trade and General Projects 
    148. National English Maths Science Learning Centre Pty Ltd 
    149. National Woolgrowers Of South Africa 
    150. Ndikhondinani Skills Development 
    151. Ndizanathi Projects 
    153. Networx for Career Development 
    154. New Hope Revival Organisation 
    155. Newpath Enterprises (Pty) Ltd 
    156. Ngwetsana Skills Development 
    157. Nistro Consulting 
    158. Nolengka Farm 
    159. Nothoka Business Enterprise Cc 
    160. Number 9 and Fortfar Academy (Pty) Ltd 
    161. Omiya Training and Projects 
    162. Onenga Collective Investment 
    163. Overberg Training and Development Initiative 
    164. Owen Sithole College of Agriculture 
    165. Peritum Agri Institute 
    166. Phoka Mobung Pty Ltd 
    167. Potchefstroom College of Agriculture 
    168. Powerpoint Lifestyles Pty Ltd 
    169. Prempie Business Solutions Pty Ltd 
    170. QNH Logistics Pty Ltd 
    171. Redeeming Time Multi Skills Training Services 
    172. Retshetse Training Project 
    173. Riostep (Pty) Ltd 
    174. Ritompha Agricultural Institute Pty Ltd 
    175. Roma Training Institute 
    176. Scientia Agri Institute 
    177. Selula Ulwazi Pty Ltd 
    178. Shalom Home Community Based Cared 
    179. Shiduka Projects and Supply 
    180. Shivhishi Holdings Pty Ltd 
    181. Shooter Pest Control (Pty) Ltd 
    182. Sibayeni Metrofarming Pty Ltd 
    183. Simba Skills Consultants 
    184. Sinovuyolethu Trading Pty Ltd 
    185. Siphamba Agri Group Pty Ltd 
    186. Siphumezulwazi Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    187. Siqalosami Projects Pty Ltd 
    188. Sivande Sethi Agriculture and Projects 
    189. Sivukangomusa Landscaping and Agriculture Primary Co-Operative Limited 
    190. Siyabonga Academy For Excellence 
    191. Siyafunda-TTA Training (Pty) Ltd 
    192. Siyamkelintando Farming and Landscaping 
    193. Skills Catalyst Consultants 
    194. Skills Development and Training Company (Pty) Ltd 
    195. Skills for All 
    196. Sly Wasly Trading and Projects 
    197. Sobethu Skills and Development 
    198. South African Training and Development Institute (PTY) LTD 
    200. Springbase Pty Ltd 
    201. ST NICS Boys Farmers and Projects Pty Ltd 
    202. Stance Skills Academy Pty Ltd 
    203. Stembridge College (Pty) Ltd 
    204. Tama Mothiba Foundation NPC 
    205. Tangana Investment Pty Ltd 
    206. Tau Fresh Products (Pty) 
    207. Technofield 
    208. The Skills Development Hub (Pty) Ltd 
    209. Thembeni Skills Development Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    210. Thumbela Communication Pty Ltd 
    211. Thuso Skills Development and Training Centre NPC 
    212. Thuto Ya Setshaba Training Services (Pty) Ltd 
    213. Tim Nectar Farms 
    214. Tisoni Business Enterprise 
    216. Toutele Agriculture College South Africa Pty Ltd 
    218. TP Business Management (Pty) Ltd 
    219. TPLR and Training Services (PTY) LTD 
    220. TPN Training and Recruitment cc 
    221. Trinity Skills and Trading 
    222. True Divine Agricultural Skills foundation College Pty Ltd 
    223. Tsiku Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    224. Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute 
    225. Twoline Training Skills For Africa Pty Ltd 
    226. Ukundiza Development Institute NPC 
    227. Uluntu Skills Development Centre 
    228. Umasingana Business and Projects Pty Ltd 
    229. Umbuso Training Services 
    230. Umfumfu Construction and Projects 
    231. Umgibe Farming Organics and Training Institute (Pty) Ltd 
    232. Umnotho We Afrika Foundation 
    233. Umthombolwazi Consultants Cc 
    234. Unity is Power Educational Program 
    235. Univen Continuing Education Pty Ltd 
    236. Valambya Training and Business College (Pty) Ltd 
    237. Veejay Associates 
    238. Vhembe Tutors and Coaches Pty Ltd 
    239. Visionary Academy 
    241. Vuka Sizwe Community Development Pty Ltd 
    242. Vukani Community Training 
    243. Watsima Projects and Environmental Services 
    244. Wavhudi Business Trading 
    245. WC Music Institute 
    246. Willem 400 
    247. Xamanda Projects Solutions 
    248. Xisana Engeneering and Supply Pty Ltd 
    249. Xivono K Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    250. Zamava Trading Pty Ltd 
    251. Zwavhumbwa Trading Enterprises 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.